Our Service
We deliver to Mainland UK
Floorgear offer a flexible delivery system that reaches out to every part of the UK. We aim to despatch within 48 hours for all in stock items using our own fleet of Sprinter vans, Pallet System Carriers and Parcel Carriers.
Our minimum order value to qualify for bulk pricing is One Full Pallet or £350. All products on the Online Shop have prices for both Bulk Deliveries and single item Dropship deliveries. There is no minimum order value for a Dropship delivery.
Our Sprinter Vans can hold up to 90 Rolls of underlay or 120 Boxes of Gripper. Around 50 tubes of 9ft metals can also be handled on a single Sprinter delivery.

Bulk Deliveries by Sprinter
The majority of our bulk deliveries South of Birmingham are made by our fleet of Sprinters. Our Sprinters can hold up to 90 Rolls of underlay or 120 Boxes of Gripper or 3ft Metals. Around 50 tubes of 9ft metals can also be handled on a single Sprinter delivery.
Several smaller orders un the same geographical area may also be delivered by Sprinter. We will call if we cannot get orders to you within 72 hours or your requested date of delivery.
Bulk Deliveries by Pallet
For deliveries North of Birmingham and smaller orders, particularly in rural areas everywhere, we will use established UK pallet systems.
The Information Section for every product on the online ship carries the number of units that will fit on a normal pallet and these can be proportioned when products are being mixed on a Pallet.
You do not have to have pallet handling equipment to accept our deliveries.

Dropship Deliveries
Dropshipping is where we deliver individual units to you or direct to your customer via Parcel Carrier. Our Underlay Smartpacks, Gripper E-Packs and Gripper/Underlay Combination Homepacks have been specifically designed for delivery by Parcel Carriers. Most High Street Retailers will have occasions when they need to deliver out of area, or need a rush delivery for an out of stock item and this is where dropshipping comes in.
Dropshipping Logistics are also perfectly matched to the needs of online sellers and direct deliveries to customer make fulfilment easy!